All you need to know about Proxycurl API


Getting Started Proxycurl's APIs Proxycurl's Python SDK Conclusion Getting Started Have you thought about how to get insights on jobs, people, companies, etc on LinkedIn without worrying about scaling a web scraping and data-science team? Proxycurl is enriched with APIs and libraries that can be used to look up people, and companies, enrich people's profile, enrich people's profile and look up contact information about a business or people (link to Proxycurl here:

Proxycurl's APIs

Proxycurl has the following APIs which can be used for different purposes, the APIs are as follows:

  1. Company API
  2. Contact API
  3. Jobs API
  4. People API
  5. School API
  6. Reveal API
  7. Meta API

Company API: This API contains endpoints that can be used to get the list of employees, count of employees, office location of the company, etc.

Contact API: With this API, you can get information about a person's work email address, profile url, list of a person's contact number, list of a person's email, etc.

Job API: Job API offers the ability to get details about a job and list of open positions in a company.

People API: The people API can be used to extract a person's information from LinkedIn. Information like a person's profile information (picture, job history, etc) and a person's LinkedIn profile url.

School API: The school API can be used to get information relating to a school (like the schools's location, their profile picture, etc).

Reveal API: This API contains an endpoint to reveal the owner of a company's IPV4 address.

Meta API: This API is not really related to LinkedIn, it is used to get the balance of your Proxycurl wallet.

When you sign up with Proxycurl, you get a free instant 10 credits to make API calls. View the pricing for each of the endpoints available.

Proxycurl's Python SDK

Apart from these APIs, Proxycurl also has a Python SDK which can be used for looking up people and companies, enriching people's profiles, etc.

It can be installed using the command pip install proxycurl-py.

Proxycurl supports asyncio, gevent and twisted concurrency models.

They can be installed using the following commands:

With asyncio

$ pip install 'proxycurl[asyncio]'

With gevent

$ pip install 'proxycurl[gevent]'

With twisted

$ pip install 'proxycurl[twisted]'

Conclusion With Proxycurl, you can build and scale data-driven applications on people and companies without worrying about scaling a web scraping and data-science team. This can help in accelerating growth-stage startups sales and marketing automation.